The Great Gubal Library (Hard)

The Great Gubal Library (Hard)

Level 60, ilvl 210


The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:28.6, Y:37.9)

Let Me Gubal That for You

Though long-since abandoned by its Sharlayan keepers, the Great Gubal Library does not want for visitants, its halls ever stirring with the voidsent guardians who walk its corridors. With danger at every turn, the fool who dares trespass here would find not wisdom but certain doom. Yet it was not long ago that an intrepid adventurer braved the deepest depths of this forbidding vault of knowledge, returning unscathed and wiser for the experience─a feat of daring that would be sung of the realm over. Mayhap that is why an anonymous individual would beseech that selfsame champion to return in search of long-forgotten knowledge. One can only hope this venture proves yet another enlightening lesson.  


Demon of the Tome

It is advisable to tank the enemy sideways in order to have a clear view of all the area of effect (AoE) indicators. Otherwise, the fight primarily focuses on positioning. Be cautious of narrow AoE markers positioned along the arena's edge, as a significant AoE attack will occur between them.

Liquid Flame

In this encounter, there are several important mechanics to be aware of. The first is "Bibliocide," which is an unavoidable party-wide AoE attack that deals moderate damage. Next is "Sea of Flames," which is a scorched earth AoE attack similar to Ifrit's. Finally, there is "Slosh," where a random player will become tethered to the boss and the boss will charge at them. The player must quickly run far away from the boss to avoid being hit. Additionally, there are two other mechanics to watch out for. "Ferrofluid" involves players receiving + and - marks, and if your mark matches the boss's, you should run close to the boss. Otherwise, you should run away. Lastly, "Seal of Night and Day" assigns players with sun and moon marks, and they must run to the corresponding sigil on the floor.


Strix, the owl-like demon, serves as the final boss in The Great Gubal Library (Hard). It possesses four different attacks, but proper preparation allows players to avoid three of them. Healers must be cautious and position themselves between the boss and their party members to avoid damage while keeping everyone healthy. The first attack, "On Tornados," can be nullified by stepping into a dark circle that grants a Leaden effect, reducing damage to zero. Failure to do so results in heavy damage and Vulnerability Up. The second attack, "On Quakes," requires players to enter a windy circle to float above the ground, thereby reducing damage to zero. Failing to do this leads to significant damage and Stun. The third attack, "On Imps," swiftly transforms all party members into Imps, making them susceptible to heavy damage from Strix's "On Thunder III" spell. To counter this, players must step into a green circle to revert to their normal form, causing the Thunder spell to inflict only minor damage. The fourth attack, "On Darkness II," cannot be avoided and inflicts substantial damage. When Strix reaches 50% health, it summons a non-targetable mob called Behemoth Ward, which showers the party with comets. Eventually, rocks will be placed on the ground, signifying the impending drop of the Behemoth's meteor. Players must position themselves between the rocks and the behemoth to avoid taking massive damage. Additionally, there are specific circles players must enter for each attack: a dark circle for Tornado, a windy circle for Quake, and a green circle for Imps (only if they have been transformed).
